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About & Settings.

  My search engine is Google, change it?

  Make ONE more personal, with your name.

 Further settings

  Manage extended search preferences

  Tracking Settings

  Login to your account

  Manage your WelcomeView

  About ONE by
 ONE by 25Space is the ultimate all-in-one website, accessible on PC, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
 It includes a comprehensive toolbox featuring search, AI tools, file transfer, URL shortening, a QR code generator,
 and more. Enjoy direct access to popular sites like Amazon, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. With ONEView, you can
 customize the page to suit your personal needs. This service also offers businesses—whether sole proprietors, SMEs,
 or large corporations—the capability to create an intranet website.
 The website was previously known as 25Welcome with significantly fewer functions and has been operated as "ONE by" at a new address since mid-2024.

 Learn more about ONE

  The additional services by ONE
 All services on one page: ONE also combines many individual services from 25Space in one central location.
 Discover the services already available today:
 - 25Share - FileTransfer
 - QRCode Generator

  About the "PREVIEW/BETA" state
 ONE is the official successor to 25Welcome and was first released on May x, 2024. Currently, 25Welcome is also still in
 operation and regularly available, our services are currently being converted step by step.
 In addition, not all functions are fully available yet.

  Create your own and personal view.
 Whether as intranet, start page or customized edition of ONE by - your individual view.

 The View - Manage all your important website.
 The View - Manage all your important website.
  Login now and create your View for free

  Know your ViewID? - Open it!

  ONE is a Service of
  2017 - 2024 Götz & Oberhauser IT GbR

  Legal - Privacy - About - Changelog
